In-House or Nearshore Outsourcing

In-House or Nearshore Outsourcing

Building a team in 2022 leaves management with a decision to take, in-house or nearshore outsourcing. Each company’s answer will differ but ultimately, it comes down to how involved the company wants to be in the hiring and recruitment process. On one hand the...
Remote Work Burnout in 2022

Remote Work Burnout in 2022

Working from home has many benefits, but in 2022 remote work causes burnout more often than expected. Since the pandemic passed and more jobs are remaining remote, there’s a crossroad between benefits and negative impacts. For the most part the benefits outweigh...
Trendy Home Office Setups

Trendy Home Office Setups

Since the lockdowns of 2020, it feels like every time you open social media there are more videos and pictures of trendy home office setups. These aesthetically pleasing workspaces have proven that you can make anything cool and pick up steam through social media....
Doctor Prescribed Video Game?

Doctor Prescribed Video Game?

A doctor prescribed video game? Yes, that’s correct, in the modern world that we live in there is now officially a video game that requires a doctor’s prescription. Why does it need to be doctor prescribed? Well, EndeavorRx is not a typical video game designed to keep...